MERIL Case study: Mapping out science in the Upper Rhine region

The RMTMO RI project – Stärkung der Forschungsinfrastruktur in der Metropolregion Oberrhein (Strengthening research infrastructure in the Upper Rhine Metropolitan region) – is a three-year project, which is being carried out by 14 universities and research institutions led by the University of Freiburg. It began in 2017 with the aim to establish a cross-border research…

MERIL Case study: Mapping mental health facilities in Europe

In the newly published MERIL case study, find out more about how the database helped the EU-funded ROAMER project.

MERIL launches Use Case Survey

MERIL has just launched a Use Case Survey to analyse the overall use and search trends on the MERIL database.

The MERIL database is now open to national RIs too

The MERIL-2 project continues to evolve in line with the needs of its users and stakeholders.

ESF signs Memorandum of Understanding with NFEC in Korea to formalize collaboration agreement in the field of Research Infrastructures

On 23 August 2018 the European Science Foundation (ESF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Research Facilities and Equipment Center (NFEC), based at the Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), at the ESF headquarters in Strasbourg (France).

What is new with MERIL?

The MERIL team has been quite active in the last two months, travelling around Europe to present the project and to foster further discussions with the RI community and stakeholders.

Outputs from the latest NDI workshop

On the 6-7 February 2018, MERIL hosted the latest National Data Intermediaries (NDI) workshop and MERIL Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting in Madrid.

NDI perspectives at MERIL launch event

The MERIL-2 launch event also saw our second workshop with National Data Intermediaries (NDIs), which was aimed at examining gaps in the MERIL RI dataset in terms of under-represented disciplines and countries, and shining a spotlight on RIs in social sciences and humanities.

The MERIL-2 Portal beta version goes live

As the first milestone in the MERIL-2 project to upgrade the MERIL portal and improve MERIL data, a new MERIL portal is now available for use.

Europe-wide database of scientific research infrastructures revived under MERIL-2

A European Commission-funded project to revive and improve the MERIL (Mapping of the European Research Infrastructure Landscape) database and portal is underway, with a new portal having been previewed on June 20 at an event in Rome, Italy.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654296

Copyright 2019 MERIL-2